Any how...........I shot my first 75 consecutive clays today from 16 yards.
I've been shooting Wobbles from the 16-yard line and from the 22&23-yard handicap stations. [If you dunno, the trap machine wobbles all over the place when it shoots Wobbles. Makes the usually-hard-to-predict clays even harder to predict. But Wobbles are really good practice for regular trapshooting.]
After shooting the Wobbles, I set the machine up for standard 16-yard trap. Ran 25 in a row. Which is kinda hard for new trapshooters, but I've done it 8-10 times so far this year. It's a nice trapshooting milestone and good check on shooting proficiency.
Kept going. Ran the next 25. Total = 50 straight. The clays were turning into be-yoo-tee-ful little black clouds of dust, sorta like WWII anti-aircraft fire. Had that feeling of being In the Zone.
What the heck....go for 75 straight. My Browning BT-99 was doing all the work. All I did was put it up to my shoulder and pull the trigger. And sure 'nuff, busted the 3rd set of 25 for a Grand Total of 75 straight.
Wow! Going for a Hunnert now. From Station #3. The Easy Station. Called "Pull!." Clay came out straight and true. Easiest of easy shots. Raised gun. And.....shot right over the top of it. Or my gun did. Or whatever. [Doggone reloads!!]
So---At that point, I stopped for the day, reloaded and cleaned up the trap house, and enjoyed the Warm Glow.
Tomorrow night the Thursday Evening League starts. I'm not gonna tell anybody. If I did, then later I'd shoot, say....17/25 or so and everybody would be smirking. Best to say nothing.
But I'll tell You Guys.