Buddy of mine just purchased a new Colt 1911, stainless. Not to step on toes, but what a boat anchor. Speaking of boating.
Guns are like girlfriends, thank goodness, we have choices.
Here is a side by side photo of a Beretta PX4Storm and my new Glock 27. Do you know the primary difference between these two guns, in my opinion? Dependability. The Glock could (and has) been tied to a rope, and dragged on a gravel road for miles. Tossed off three story buildings onto concrete, frozen in sandy blocks of ice water. Over oiled, under oiled, never oiled, and they still work.
So while both are guns, only one is a SHTF gun, IMHO.
The Glock was not pretty, from day one, and I know from personal experience of day to day CC, it will look the same way in 20 years. I have a 1991 Glock, still looks like new, and it is not a safe queen.
The Beretta, has a long heritage. Fine built tool. However, it is not foolproof, idiot-proof, or longsuffering like a Glock is.