One of the issues with this way of thinking of pistol caliber bullet weight/size and pistol caliber velocities is that pistol calibers and rifle calibers are significantly different in terms of velocity, and therefore the elastic stretching that occurs in pistol calibers is significantly different than in rifle calibers.
Simple way of saying it: In general, pistol calibers simply aren't going fast enough for the temporary cavity to actually damage anything. Rifle calibers ARE, and the temporary cavity is sufficient to actually damage tissue. (SFG already said this in a clear fashion.)
There are a number of good research reports out there about wound ballistics, but most of them sum up to:
--with modern JHP ammunition, with respect to efficacy in terms of stopping bad guys
other than barrier penetration, there is no significant different in pistol calibers from 9mm up through .45. (And yes, that includes .357sig and 10mm.)
--there is a world of difference between pistol calibers and rifle calibers in terms of wound ballistics damage, unless you are talking about incredibly small rifle bullets moving fairly slowly for rifles compared to .38Super major loads (moving quickly for pistols).
--Temporary cavities look really cool in slow motion in ballistics gel. However, in human tissue, pistol temp cavities don't "stretch" tissue enough for damage.
--the concepts of "energy dumping," damage-as-a- function-of kinetic-energy, and momentum calculations all seem to have fairly little to do with reality, according to the research.
This, unfortunately, is incorrect:
That energy dissipation directly relates to the amount of tissue that experiences extreme trama and the severity of said trama...
Nope. Wish it was, because wound ballistics would be a lot more simple, and the caliber wars would be over.
--for pistol calibers, physiological stops are functions of accuracy. Psychological stops aren't functions of calibers.
--for rifles, things are different.
And just because, a video of a slug into ballistics gel in slow motion, because we know that slugs are just the end-all, be-all of self-defense: