Any anti-gun group, no matter how small, can count on a powerful ally in the liberal press. But the lies they use to sell their attempts at disarmament are so outlandish that even their ally has not been able to give them all they want. For their numbers though, and as outlandish as their lies are, they have had more success than they should have had. Just consider for example that there are places like schools, where civilians are illegally barred from being armed, even though experience has proven that such laws do nothing but make mass murder easier to commit.
There does need to be such a thing as reasonable restrictions on a Constitutional right, like for example we don't want a rich traitor like George Soros being able to buy an atom bomb, and we don't want nerve gas sold at Walmart. But those whose proven purpose is to destroy a right have no place in any realistic discussion about what is reasonable, and it is incumbent on those who defend the right to keep them and their poison out of it, by exposing them and their lies for what they are. We need to take the initiative, and keep the enemy on the defensive.
This group NAGV looks like a troupe of clowns led by an arrogant fool. But what that group represents is very real. The liberal icon Saul Alinsky points out that one of the best ways to destroy a person is by ridicule. Look at how well that technique was used by the liars of the liberal press against Sarah Palin and others like her, and see how well what she represents was attacked by attacking her. We should use the same tactics against the enemy of freedom. If the enemy wants to parade a clown in front of us, let us use that clown.