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Author Topic: ATF to reclassify armor piercing ammo  (Read 14011 times)

Offline AAllen

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Re: ATF to reclassify armor piercing ammo
« Reply #120 on: March 12, 2015, 10:36:14 PM »
It has come out tonight that a group of 53 Democrat Congressmen (no names given at this point) are passing around a draft letter to the ATF to ask them to go on with the ban, and it is sounding like ban even more ammo than that.  This is not over.

Offline depserv

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Re: ATF to reclassify armor piercing ammo
« Reply #121 on: March 13, 2015, 09:12:37 AM »
The liberal cult will never stop its aggression.  We can have a thousand victories where we successfully defend America from them, but as long as they have a victory every now and then in time they will win and America will lose.  It's like if someone stands in front of you throwing one punch after another and you successfully block almost every one of them, they still get one through every now and then, so you eventually get beaten down and defeated.  This is why a purely defensive strategy will always fail.  If we want to remain free we need to take the initiative.

Patriots have taken the initiative a few times, as with getting shall issue concealed carry laws passed, and we have been very successful.  This shows us what is possible when we fight back on our terms instead of just sitting back and waiting for their next attack.

The edict this whole thing is based in, the law against so-called cop-killer bullets, was fundamentally flawed from the very beginning.  As most of us here know the slogan cop-killer bullet is a lie.  And sporting use being a criterion for legality is a lie too; a conspicuous, verifiable lie.  These lies should never have been allowed to stand, and they should not have been allowed to become law.  We knew from the very beginning the purpose this edict would be put to, and that purpose was talked about.  The NRA supposedly fixed a very badly-written law and then said it was ok, but they should have known better.

The Bible gives us this advice: don't answer a fool according to his folly.  When we talk about sporting use as though that is what makes a certain gun or bullet ok and another one not ok we are doing that.  Those who allowed themselves to be sucked into this lie were made fools of then, and if it wasn't obvious then it should be by now.  All who fight to defend freedom should know better than to let the enemy set the stage, because we know their purpose, and we know the stage will be set by them to secure that purpose.

The enemy is using a strategy often called death by a thousand cuts.  That strategy will work, as long as they have the initiative and all we do is respond to this or that attack.  If we want to stop their aggression we need to fight back by attacking the heart of the enemy.  This entire law never should have been passed and if we didn't know it then we do now, so once traitors in Washington have shown us how it will be used our best strategy is to get it repealed.  I know that's unlikely with a traitor in the White House, but we are still better off taking this initiative, because that way the enemy is busy responding to us instead of attacking us.  And in time, with the right Congress and President, and patriots making the truth widely known, it can be repealed.  Even more important, patriots need to treat the liberal press as the propaganda machine it is; expose those liars for what they are and expose their lies.  Stop playing along with their lie that they are real journalists.  Until we do that, we can't do anything but lose.  Slowly over time maybe, and with a victory here and there, but our fight will still be a losing one in the long run.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 10:21:13 AM by depserv »
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline GreggL

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Re: ATF to reclassify armor piercing ammo
« Reply #122 on: March 14, 2015, 11:27:44 AM »

I went for two-fers this week, I wrote Congressman Fortenberry thanking him for signing the congressional letter from congress to the ATF objecting to the M855 ban and encouraged him to support The Protecting Second Amendment Rights Act introduced by Rep. Tom Rooney (R- Fla.) it "would prohibit the ATF or any other federal agency from issuing or enforcing any new restriction or prohibition on the manufacture, importation or sale of ammunition in the United States."

I also wrote Sen. Fischer, thanked her for signing the Senate's letter to the ATF and asked her encourage members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to respond to Mr. Jones by by pointing out to him that he is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist and infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens in doing so.

On a brighter note Three Gun at ENGC tomorrow!! I can burn up a little of that ammo I've been hording.
Government not being restrained by the Constitution as written is tyranny pure and simple.