We've put on two of these freebie programs now, w/full credit to Doug Hawley, whose concept it is.
Doug's a premier trainer: Whenever he gets a really hard question from the audience, he simply says,
"Well, that question's so easy that I'm going to let Ken take it." Then he looks at me.
Each session has had about 20 folks per class. For some odd reason, some of them already have CHP/CCW permits. Including a couple I previously trained. Can't figger why they are attending a Basic Newbie class and didn't think to ask them.
Classes have been well received, with plenty of positive feedback. Especially after the initial suspicions are put aside and attendees realize that the class is Really, Really, Free. No strings. Not even a free-will offering canister. Plus they get coffee, donuts, candy, and bottled water. Plus coupla handouts.
Anyhow, one more class being offered in this series on February 20. If you have any candidates, have them contact Doug Hawley. Info up above.