A little update for everyone. Besides my order, I have received pretty firm commitments from a few people. Most people are just looking for primers, but from what people have told me what they want, the HazMat and shipping should be a pretty nominal charge when split between each of us.
I have to go to work this next week, so please give me some time to call on prices and get an estimate on shipping. I can contact everyone to give them the estimate before I order if you like. If work gets crazy busy, this process may be further delayed.
PLEASE NOTE: in order to get their dealer pricing, I have to mail them a check, certified check, or money order. Of course, with a personal check, they will wait for it to clear before they ship so I will try to get to my bank branch to get a certified check to expedite the process. Regardless, this will slow things down a little as the check travels via snail-mail to Graf & Sons.
LAST THING: Could everyone PM via Facebook, or NFOA with your email or phone number where I can contact you? Let me know if you prefer a phone call or text message. I will use this to get in touch with everyone when I have an estimate and am ready to pull the trigger.