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Author Topic: Hastings, NE Appleseed July 24-25th  (Read 1189 times)

Offline bkoenig

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Hastings, NE Appleseed July 24-25th
« on: July 17, 2010, 07:34:16 AM »
This event is coming up fast and we only have 7 people registered.  If you've never attended here's your chance, it's a great way to improve your marksmanship skills and learn some American history.


Range: Four Rivers Sportsman?s Club
Address: 1845 S. Maxon Ave. Hastings, NE 68901
Website: http://www.4rsc.com
When: July 24-25, 2010
Range Fee: $5/person/event
Camping available: Not at the range.  See Hasting?s Campground & RV Park (402-462-5621).
Comfort Inn (402-463-5252)
Midlands Lodge (402-463-2428)
Best Western (402-461-4076)
Quality Hotel (402-463-6721)
are all available in Hastings, approx 5 miles away.
Directions: The range is located 4 miles East of Hastings, NE off of Highway 6.  From Hastings, take Hwy 6 East approximately 4 miles then take South Maxon Ave (County Rd 9-1W) south for approximately 1.5 miles.  Four Rivers Sportsman?s Club will be on your left side.  
Silver roofed club house and ranges are visible from the road.  
GPS: 40?33'36", -98?17'50"
State Laws to be aware of:  Open carry is legal in Nebraska except in some cities. Concealed carry requires a permit.  Check local and State laws.
Misc: We will shoot at 25 meters. Bring a .22 rimfire rifle and some spare mags and gain valuable marksmanship skills without using up your expensive center fire ammo. You will want about 400 - 500 rounds. GI web sling highly recommended. Centerfire is welcome, so if you have a new high power rifle or new mags you want to test drive at 25-meters, that?s OK too. While it is expensive, there is no better way to learn if you can depend on your equipment than putting 400 - 500 rounds through it in two days.
FRSC is a cold range. No Tracer, AP, or incendiary ammo allowed (fire hazard, hard on steel targets). Attracts a magnet is OK.
Please leave your rifles in the car until asked to bring them to the firing line. Please, no handguns (concealed or open) on the firing line. Bring layered clothing, raingear, a windbreaker, and lightweight gloves, eye protection, and hearing protection. Dress for the weather and bring raingear if forecasted. Bring a lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. A shooting jacket will be extremely helpful, especially if shooting a high power rifle, and a shooting mat (like a 4? x 7? carpet scrap) may make prone and sitting positions more comfortable. For more on what to bring see http://www.rwva.org/.
For More Information Contact: Private Message to "gibbs459" on the Appleseed forum.  Or email Matt at gibbs459@msn.com, or Roger at vp.4rsc@windstream.net.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 07:35:29 AM by bkoenig »