I agree that the feds getting involved puts gun rights that we now have at risk, but what's the alternative if you want to travel throughout the United States, and you want to carry in such a manner that you could defend yourself at all times? Yes, we could do whatever is in our power to get all the other states to pass and/or recognize concealed carry rights, but that would probably take a long time, if it ever happened. I think our best bet is to pass some sort of federal reciprocity legislation, and to try and insure that it doesn't open the gate to more restrictive carry/ownership laws. After all, it's a federal law that allows us to transport, albeit with restrictions, any place we want to go as long as we are legally allowed to be there with a firearm. If it weren't for that, we might have to avoid Illinois altogether (and possibly other states if they felt the need to ban firearms and had no federal law to stop them).