Tulkas while I welcome your opinion, The everyone has a cell phone argument does not work everywhere here in Nebraska, there are parts of the state with little cell coverage, and services that do not work in some places.
No doubt. How many gun shows or firearms retailers are located in those areas? Are those areas served by land lines?
I happen to be one of the people that the 5 minutes or less to go through a NICS check does not work for, if I am making a purchase without either a handgun purchase certificate or concealed carry permit it will take 3 days for the NICS check to go through. There is a convicted felon with the same name and a social security number that has one digit different from mine, of course there is also a NSP officer with the same name and a birth date that is with in a couple of weeks of mine. Before a NICS check goes through for me they always take extra time to verify which one of us they are processing. They have 3 days to process a NICS check.
My, aren't you fortunate?
If the requirement for a purchase certificate were repealed you could still rely on your CCP or, if worst came to worst, apply to the State Patrol for a "good guy" identification and
always keep them with you. Your case is rare, if not unique. While the purchase certificate works for you, it is an unnecessary imposition for many of us.
No matter, I'll just shop for additions to my collection elsewhere while I work to repeal the Nebraska purchase certificate requirement.