Yep, sweat it some more in the plastic bag on the dash. That will get a lot of it out...tough to get every bit of it though. You'll still notice some seeping out when you take it too the range & heat it up from the inside out! does have some lead core light ball available too. It still has the magnetic case & magnetic jacket on the bullet itself. I have not tried any of it.....yet.
I've found the heavy ball that they have to be very accurate for me.....especially in a 1932 Finnish M27 that I recently acquired.
5 shots @ 50 yards off a sandbag
5 more shots, all in the black, @ 100 yards at a used target off of the same sandbag
Actually those were my first 10 shots with the M27.
Another place to check for the surplus ammo is... ...they don't always have some & when they do they are a bit higher on their price but they sometimes run specials & always have $9.95 flat rate shipping. I've had good luck there as well.
Yeah, what 66 said, how about some pics!!!