Maybe its because I am relatively new to the gun scene, or maybe its because I understand TV is just that, TV. Its 100% entertainment. Every show on television is there for one thing, to make money. The only way a show makes money, is with ratings. To get ratings, you have to appeal to more than one demographic. If they made the show "real" and "true to guns and their owners", then only Gun Smiths and collectors would know what the show was talking about, and only serious gun gurus would watch it, because it would be an entirely different type of show. The way it is now, it appeals to all and is kept interesting with the explosions and the "drama" they infuse into it.
Now, do I think Will and his crew are top notch and do I buy nothing but RJF gear? Of course not. I wouldn't spend MY hard earned cash on much of anything that they make, but that doesn't mean I don't watch the show for what it is. A TV show that has lots of guns, some explosions, and an old Vet that's got some great descriptives. "Sphincter was so tight you couldn't beat a needle up there with a hammer!" - Said when he was going to jump out of a helicopter, for the first time, to test something or another.