"Stirring the pot" is a tad excessive don't you think ?
I'm attempting to get people to think for themselves and to ask if a given candidate truly matches their own beliefs, and to possibly do their own research. Also - to get beyond fluffly shallow talking points.
What ideals do you find favorable ?
When you compare those ideals to the history of a given elected official (or a person running for a position) - are they similar to your own ?
Is the platform that person running on actually have any meat and potatoes or is it just buzz word compliant with no substance ?
Does the history of that person coincide with their proposed platform ?
Claiming there is no difference between the 2 isn't credible
See, I'd love to agree with you ... but I can name maybe only three differences myself, and they're not earth shattering. You sadly also didn't name any differences
. I really really really want someone to make me have some faith in the guy, I really do.
But concerning 'the two' -> one is running under a republican banner, the other under a democrat banner. Outside of that, where are the differences ? We'll skip the implication this implies concerning parties on a national level.
I imagine most everyone here considers themselves a republican. They have a certain core set of beliefs and feel quite strongly about them. That's great! Comparing person to person, probably most of us share 90% of beliefs.
My problem is I don't see any of those beliefs being represented by Romney.
Just because he's under the republican flag and because the republican party's platform used to coincide with my own beliefs, doesn't mean that he's going to magically turn into *MY* representative despite all evidence to the contrary.
Wish in one hand, and what in the other ?
In no particular order:
[ ] Strong defender of the 2nd Amendment
[ ] Reduce government spending
[ ] Reduce government bureaucracy
[ ] Reduce our intervening in foreign affairs
[ ] Reduce government involvement in my personal affairs (economic or social)
[ ] Reduce federal government stepping on states rights
[ ] Secure border / assist States in dealing with it
[ ] Reduce government interference with businesses
[ ] Not a Keynsian economics person
As noted, I can't check any of those for Romney.
If there's not much difference between the two then what's the difference for voting for one or the other ? If the end result is the same...