I will open carry during hunting season. I got my CCW to cover times in which it is cold and I may want to wear a coat. I find open carry more comfortable and have actually purchased holsters that qualify as concealed in broad daylight. Check out the Sneaky Pete line of holsters. I have heard a lot of negative feedback on this type of holster but if your shirt only half covers it, or not, it is still a mystery. Not open, but the holster's size maybe being a giveaway, I find them the most comfortable and I don't have to worry about printing. I have had NO ONE ask me about the case on my belt. They are not out there everywhere, so I am not convinced someone that hasn't done some research would know what they are looking at so the "being a target" is not so upfront. You and I might Know what they are, but the guy that just stuck up the liquor store might not, with you standing right behind him. I opt to carry concealed in plain sight.