Ok so I follow the Law which you call stupid, and you claim the right to carry concealed where ever and when ever you like. I like my chances when encountering Law Enforcement, over your Don Quixote approach. Good luck telling a LEO or a Judge that the SCOTUS has no authority. Keep tilting windmills...
First off, not a claim, it's a fact. Now of course you reign over your property as I reign mine, so you set the rules on your property as I set the rules on mine. But public areas, we own them together and we both must be able exercise our rights, but none of that requires regulation in fact regulation henders that and infringes on the rights of one for the sake of the other.
Remember: your rights end ONLY where another's begins.Second, they only have as much power as we have granted and power they should never have had in the first place.
Third, the laws are not just stupid, they are useless, wrong and do only damage, they do nothing good.
Man, come on. Now you are simply arguing for the sake of argument. Your points are perfectly valid in a utopian society...but the key word is society. Everyone is born with the same rights. They will have these rights unless they do something to lose them. You live in a society and for peace to prevail, this society makes laws. You break laws, you lose your rights.
This didn't have to get to this point. Screw the legal side of the discussion for the moment. Alcohol can and will effect judgment. If you cannot agree with this statement, you are delusional. Having a firearm in the hands of an individual with impaired judgment can lead to a very bad conclusion (notice I said "can").
Why the hell are we even arguing this?
There is no such thing as a "utopia" and we are a society made up of individuals, not groups... which has obviously been forgotten in this country. Collectivism is a horrible thing (not just a legal standpoint, but a human nature and physiological standpoint as well).
Yes, as already recognized multiple times, alcohol can impact judgement and motor skills...but it does not impact the same across everyone, some require more and some less...but that is for the individual to decide. And yes, sometimes it ends badly...but thus are the risks of life, especially if you want to live a free life.
Laws do NOT provide safety nor peace. For every law passed you give up a bit of your freedom/liberty...
those that give up any amount of freedom/liberty for any amount of security/safety, deserves and will have neither.You cannot regulate yourself into prosperity. It is deregulation that creates the greatest prosperity (as can be seen throughout history) and the individual is the only one qualified to make decisions in their lives. Self-regulation is the only way freedom can be preserved and that can only be done through voluntary interactions, not forced through regulation.
If regulation/laws created prosperity/peace...then socialism would actually work and we would already have it...but as history, recent history at that, has shown the opposite is true and always will be true. It is a liberal fantasy that thinks regulation does anything but oppression.
It is better to have freedom and danger, than peace and slavery. Freedom is inherently dangerous and every bit of it is worth it.
Peace and Freedom cannot coexist outside the individual level...that would be a utopia if it did...that would be a liberal fantasy.
I agree
I think we've gotten derailed too many times on an otherwise well intentioned fun post! I think there is plenty of philosophical debate that could rage on forever, but I think here the only debate that should still be raging would be Memphis style or Kansas City Style... to peel the membrane on ribs or not to peel the membrane. I think that if we organized something then we should just scrap this one and start over.
Yes, I grow weary of this....so many people didn't die and I didn't break my back so people here at home can give away freedoms (not just their own but others as well, something they have no right to do) just because they want petty false sense of "safety" or some false sense of "prosperity".