its simply unrealistic to think that everytime some idiot does something stupid that whoever is a part of "that community" should pay for it.
when my wife had brain surgery 6 months after we got married and wasn't able to finish school on time or work for a year people didn't dish out money, but you know what I have a job and insurance, while her brain surgery was in December on the 29th so surgery filled deductible of that year, the week in neuro icu (jan of the next year) filled deduct the next year and the continued follow ups filled deductible the following year. I was married for 3 years our plan was shot in the arm we had more debt then we knew how to handle and only 1 income
no one raises money for me, if these people can't take care of themselves they should go to their family, if their family can't help go to their own church
i find it offensive that every time some idgit does something stupid I'm asked to donate money.
I'm very generous with my time and money but the cause should be more than "stupid gun owner"
if thats too harsh then so be it, people need to grow a sack and make things work. I'll bet you these can't afford health cost people have cable TV and internet, theres $150 a month, I also bet that household has a bunch of smart phones, theres $150 a month, I just found them $300 a month to help cover costs